Patient Willem Van Den Broek
Address Perth, Western Australia
Diagnosis   Diabetes


In the mid 1990's I met a man by the name of Willum Van Den Broek in Perth, Western Australia through a mutual work acquaintance of mine. We formed a friendship and eventually a partnership.
About the time we met Willem was going through the early stages of diabetes, and as I was aware of the benefits of the tea I offered to allow him to try and see what effect it had on him.
For a while I supplied him with the tea, and then decided to raise the subject with him.
He was very glowing with his praise for the product, but it was not what I was expecting.
Willem loved his bottle or two of red wine in the evenings. But when he started suffering from Diabetes he could not consume so much, was always ill and vomiting whenever he drank wine and was really unwell the following day.
HOWEVER, he told me when he drank the tea he suffered none of the above side effects and was able to live a normal comfortable life.
I am not advocating the tea for this use, though you can do as you will with this information. What it is I am suggesting is that if you use the tea as others have on this site, in the future you might not need to be using the tea to drink a bottle or 2 of wine. Maybe you won't need the insulin either. Which is an option I want for everyone.

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CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results